Based near Lampeter in mid west Wales, we are a not for profit, forever home sanctuary.
We give a safe haven for sheep where they can live out their full, natural lives in a peaceful, stress free environment. Visitors are welcome to come and meet the sheep by prior arrangement.

Our Costs

Our costs keep increasing year by year. Although we have been mostly self funded till now, we are facing the might of the current economic climate and urgently need financial help from donations and the kindness of others to keep our flock happy and safe.

No salaries are paid, the website is donated and all work for the sanctuary is done by volunteers. So every penny you donate goes directly towards the upkeep and welfare of the flock.

Typically, a bale of straw bedding costs £5, a bale of haylage £7, a sack of feed can cost up to £25. General health and standard veterinary costs can be hundreds of pounds per sheep each year. 

As sheep can live well into their teens or even early twenties, many of our older sheep need more supplements and veterinary prescribed medications during the year to maintain their health as well as needing a lot of extras during the winter.


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New year fleece available from june

fleece sales

Our fleeces are sold via Facebook from late June onwards. All proceeds from fleece sales go towards the upkeep of the flock.

Prices are based on breed and quality of fleece after they’ve been graded and sorted.